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Chapter 2 Operation of Diag.
Print the parameter list using the Print function of Parameter Menu in diagnosis before
changing the value of the registration.
The default values are different in each printer.
Parameter Function Default
Slow Scan Reg K to P
(Shifts 0.17mm/1count)
Black registration adjustment -- -128 to 127
Slow Scan Reg 600 M,Y,C
(Shifts 0.042mm/1count)
Slow Scan Reg1200 M,Y,C
(Shifts 0.021mm/1count)
Color registration adjustment (600 and
1200 dpi)
-- -60 to 60
Fast Scan Reg K to M, Y or C
(Shifts 0.042mm/1count)
Color registration adjustment
Calculation of adjustment is shown below.
(exp. Yellow)
(Value of Fast Scan Reg K to Y + Value of
Fast Scan Reg2 K to Y )/4
-- -30 to 30
Fast Scan Reg2 K to M, C or
Y (Shifts 0.01mm/1count)
-- -1 to 2
Fast Scan Reg MP, Tray1,
Tray2, Tray3 or Tray4
(Shifts 0.042mm/1count)
Black registration adjustment at side 1
-- -30 to 30
Fast Scan Reg Dup
(Shifts 0.17mm/1count)
Black registration adjustment at side 2
-- -30 to 30
Fast Scan Reg K to M, Y, C
Fast Scan Reg2 K to M, Y, C
Fast Scan Reg MP, Tray1,
Tray2, Tray3, Tray4
Fast Scan Reg DUP
Shifts the print area in this direction
by reducing the value.
Shifts the print area in this direction
by reducing the value.
Shifts the print area in this direction
by increasing the value.
Shifts the print area in this direction
by increasing the value.
Slow Scan Reg K to P
Slow Scan Reg 600 M, Y, C
Slow Scan Reg 1200 M, Y, C
Image Side