5 Click the Block No Name Fax option.
This option blocks all incoming faxes that have a private caller ID or no fax station name.
6 In the Banned Fax List field, enter the phone numbers or fax station names of specific fax callers you want to
Canceling an outgoing fax
Canceling a fax while the original documents are still scanning
• When using the ADF, touch Cancel Job while Scanning… appears.
• When using the scanner glass, touch Cancel Job while Scanning… appears or while Scan the Next
Page / Finish the Job appears.
Canceling a fax after the original documents have been scanned to
1 On the home screen, touch Cancel Jobs.
The Cancel Jobs screen appears.
2 Touch the job or jobs you want to cancel.
Only three jobs appear on the screen; touch the down arrow until the job you want appears, and then touch the
job you want to cancel.
3 Touch Delete Selected Jobs.
The Deleting Selected Jobs screen appears, the selected jobs are deleted, and then the home screen appears.
Understanding fax options
Original Size
This option opens a screen where you can choose the size of the documents you are going to fax.
• Touch a paper size button to select that size as the Original Size setting. The fax screen appears with your new
setting displayed.
• When Original Size is set to Mixed Letter/Legal, you can scan an original document that contains mixed paper
• When “Original Size” is set to Auto Size Sense, the scanner automatically determines the size of the original