
242.12 Second pick from manual feeder, tray 1, or feeder
failed when media was in the source, other sheets
were committed to the paper path.
Check the wear strips and replace them if worn.
242.16 Failed to feed from tray 2. Pages in the paper path
have been flushed to the output bin.
Remove Tray 2 and inspect for obstruction in the
paper path. Check the pick tires for wear or paper
dust. Replace if necessary. Check the wear strips
and replace if necessary.
251.00 Paper jam near the manual feeder. Inspect the pick roller on the MPF or the rollers on
the manual feed. If the MPF pick roller is damaged or
worn, then replace the MPF. For a printer with a
manual feed only (no MPF), clean the roller.
251.10 Second pick attempt failed from manual feeder.
251.11 Failed to feed from manual feeder. Pages in the paper
path have been flushed to the output bin.
251.12 Second pick from manual feeder, tray 1, or feeder
failed when media was in the source while the other
sheets were committed to the paper path.
251.19 Media never reached the input sensor from the manual
251.20 The media in the MPF has been pushed in too far. Remove the media, realign the stock, and re-insert.
Do not let the top sheets to go beyond the wear
251.21 The media in the MPF has been pushed in too far.
Error Description Action