Understanding the Printer Menus 391
To set whether to print a protocol monitor report, which helps you identify the
cause of a communication problem.
Va lu es :
To select the country where the printer is used.
System Settings
Use the System Settings menu to configure to configure a variety of
printer features.
NOTE: Values marked by an asterisk (*) are the factory default menu settings.
Power Saver Timer
To specify the time for transition to power saver mode.
Enter 5 in Mode 1 to put the printer in the power saver timer mode five
minutes after it finishes a job. This uses less energy, but requires more warm-
up time for the printer. Enter 5 if your printer shares an electrical circuit with
room lighting and you notice lights flickering.
Print Always Prints a protocol monitor report after every fax transmission.
Print On Error Prints a protocol monitor report only when an error occurs.
Print Disable* Does not print a protocol monitor report after a fax transmission.
Mode 1 5min* Specifies the time taken by the printer before it
enters the power saver timer mode 1 after it finishes
a job.
Mode 2 6min* Specifies the time taken by the printer before it
enters the power saver timer mode 2 after it goes into
the power saver mode 1.