
Power Specifications
Maximum voltage and power specifications for the PowerVault LTO-4-120 Half-Height tape drive are listed in Table 6-2 and Table 6-3. Specifications are the
same as those for other SCSI drives unless otherwise noted.
Table 6-2. Voltage and Current Specifications
Table 6-3. Power Dissipation
Drive Performance Specifications
Table 6-4 lists the performance specifications of the PowerVault LTO-4-160 Half-Height tape drive.
Table 6-4. Drive Performance Specifications
Environmental Requirements
+12 VDC
+5 VDC
DC Voltage Tolerance
12.00 ± 10%
5.00 ± 5%
Non-operating max voltage
14 Volts peak
5.50 Volts peak
Max operating current
1.70 amps RMS
1.90 amps RMS
(1 sec max)
2.40 amps max RMS*
2.60 amps max RMS*
Standby current (max)
0.37 amps RMS
0.98 amps RMS*
Ripple (peak-to-peak)
< 100 mV
< 100 mV
* RMS parameters measured at the power connector using a true RMS digital meter.
Power Specification
Max Standby Power
9.3 watts RMS*
Max Continuous Operating Power
31.3 watts RMS*
Max Peak Operating Power
33.2 watts RMS (1 sec max)
* RMS parameters measured at the power connector using a true RMS digital meter.
Average data access time
(820-m tape) from BOW (beginning of wrap)
56 seconds
Average rewind time
(820-m tape) from EOT (end of tape)
> 85 seconds
800 GB (native)
Cartridge unload time
25 seconds
Error recovery
Read-after-write Reed Solomon ECC (2 levels)
Flux density (cells per mm)
Head configuration
2 bumps
16 thin-film write heads per bump
16 MR read heads per bump
2 MR servo heads per bump
Maximum data access time from BOW (820-m tape)
112 seconds
Maximum tape rewind speed (meters per second)
Recording density (RRL-encoded ONEs per mm)
Recording format (Ultrium 16-channel)
Recording method
0, 13/11 RLL
Recording undetectable errors
Less than 1 in 10
data bits
Recording unrecoverable errors
Less than 1 in 10
data bits
Synchronous transfer rate (burst)
160 MB/sec max
Tape drive type
LTO (Ultrium)
Tape speed (meters per second)
Up to 6.07
Track density
70 tracks per mm
Transfer rate (sustained), MB/second
120 (max, native)