Dolby Digital and Dolby ProLogic systems and decoders have a critical channel balancing
procedure for the left and right front speakers, center channel, rears and subwoofer (if it is hooked
up through the LFE or Sub Out low level connection) which must be followed if the system is to
perform properly. We have spoken with many system users with problems relating to the overall
sound of their system which could be clearly traced back to improper system balance.
Also note that Dolby Digital decoders have bass management systems (systems which direct the
bass to the various channels) which vary from unit to unit. This bass management system must
also be properly adjusted. If your Mythos loudspeaker is hooked up with speaker level wires and
you are using a separate subwoofer, your receiver or decoder’s bass management system should
be set for “Small
” left and right main speakers, “Small” center, “Small” surrounds, and “Yes”
subwoofer. If you are using rear surround speakers with very extended low frequency response,
set the rear channels of your decoder’s bass management system to “Large.
” If not, set them to
“Small”. If you are using the Mythos speaker as a rear or side surround speaker, set the rear or
side surround bass management to “Small”. If you are using Mythos loudspeakers without a sepa-
rate subwoofer, set bass management to “Large” left and right main speakers, “Large” center,
“Large” surrounds, and “No” subwoofer
(Also, do not be afraid to experiment.) Remember,
whatever sounds best to you is correct.
All specifi
cations subject to change.
Mythos Six
Dimensions 4.07" W x 4" D x 19.57" H
Frequency Response 60 Hz – 30 kHz
Efficiency: 89 dB
Nominal Impedance 4 – 8 ohms
Driver Complement Two 3.5" high-definition bass/midrange
drivers, two 3.5" pressure-driven planar low
frequency radiators, one 1" pure aluminum
dome tweeter
Associated Amplification 10 – 175 watts/channel
Magnetically Shielded
Mythos Seven
Dimensions 19.57" W x 4" D x 4.07" H
Frequency Response 60 Hz – 30 kHz
Efficiency: 89 dB
Nominal Impedance 4 – 8 ohms
Driver Complement Two 3.5" high-definition bass/midrange
drivers, two 3.5" pressure-driven planar low
frequency radiators, one 1" pure aluminum
dome tweeter
Associated Amplification 10 – 175 watts/channel
Magnetically Shielded
Mythos Loudspeakers Specifications