Operation Manual
S-Series Power Amplifiers
page 18
To use, simply pull off the control knobs from the
front of the amp, and slip the hole plugs into place
(see Figure 4.7). The plugs should press easily into
position with light force. Once in place, the plugs
will help to avoid most accidental or intentional
tampering (some situations may require additional
security measures).
To remove the hole plugs, simply pry the plug away
from the amplifier case using a small, flat-blade
screwdriver. To help to ensure adequate security, the
plugs have been designed to be more difficult to
remove than to place into position. If necessary,
additional hole plugs can be purchased separately
from Crown’s Parts Department (Part # 103234-1).
Store your knobs in a safe location should you need
to make level adjustments in the future.
4.3.4 Optional 0.775 V Input
Sensitivity Setting
The S-Series amplifier also provides an optional
0.775 V input sensitivity setting. If you determine
that your application requires this sensitivity set-
ting, please contact Crown Technical Support for
more information.
4 Advanced Features
and Options
Figure 4.5 Model CEAS1 Barrier Block
Output Connectors
Figure 4.6 Model CEAS2 5-way
Binding Post Output Connectors
Figure 4.7 Tamper-Resistant Hole Plugs
Installed in an S-Series Amplifier
4.3 Options
4.3.1 Accessories
Handles complement your amplifier’s appearance,
aid in transportation, and facilitate rack mounting
and removal. They are available from Crown’s Sales
Department; just ask for “CE Handles.”
4.3.2 Alternate Output Connectors
For added system flexibility, Crown offers optional
secondary output connectors.
You have a choice of either the CEAS1 barrier block
(see Figure 4.5) or the CEAS2 5-way binding post
connectors (see Figure 4.6). Alternate output con-
nectors may come factory installed on new amplifier
orders. They can also be added to existing S-Series
amplifiers by an authorized Crown Service Center.
For more information, please contact Crown Techni-
cal Support.
4.3.3 Tamper-Resistant Hole Plugs
Your S-Series amplifier comes with a set of tamper-
resistant hole plugs, which allow you to “protect”
the level controls against unauthorized adjustment.