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MA 2402 Power Amplifier
Operation Manual
1 Welcome
Congratulations on purchasing the renowned
2402 power amplifier. It
is designed to provide enormous levels of pure,
undistorted power in a rugged, low-profile
package — making it the choice for pro sound
reinforcement. It utilizes our patented ODEP
protection circuitry to keep the show going
long after other amplifiers have shut down. And
with its PIP
expandability, the amplifier can be
easily customized with one of our many
optional input modules (see Section 5 for a list
of available PIPs).
Modern power amplifiers are sophisticated
pieces of engineering capable of producing
extremely high power levels. They must be
treated with respect and correctly installed if
they are to provide the many years of reliable
service for which they were designed.
In addition, the Macro-Tech 2402 amplifier
includes a number of features which require
some explanation before it can be used to its
maximum advantage.
Please take the time to study this manual so
that you can obtain the best possible service
from your amplifier.
1.1 Features
•Crowns Grounded-Bridge™ design deliv-
ers large voltage swings without using
easily stressed output-transistor configu-
rations like conventional amplifiers. The
results are lower distortion and superior
Patented ODEP (Output Device Emulation
Protection) circuitry compensates for
overheating and overload to keep the
amplifier working when others would fail.
Complete protection against shorted,
open, and mismatched loads, overheating,
DC, high-frequency overload, and full
internal fault protection provided by our
latest protection scheme: “Quad-Mute.”
Two mono modes (Bridge-Mono and
Parallel-Mono) for driving a wide range of
load impedances.
Dedicated power supply transformers iso-
late channels in Stereo mode for superb
crosstalk characteristics and reliability —
each channel is virtually a separate
High damping factor provides superior
control over low-frequency drivers for a
clean, accurate low end.
PIP (Programmable Input Processor) con-
nector accepts accessories that tailor the
amplifier to suit specific applications.
Enhanced PIP2 (Programmable Input
Processor) connector accepts new acces-
sory modules that further tailor the ampli-
fier to suit specific applications, including
wideband load current monitoring.
Backed by the industry’s ONLY three-year,
no-fault, fully transferable warranty.
2 How to Use This
This manual provides you with the necessary
information to safely and correctly set up and
operate your amplifier. It does not cover every
aspect of installation, setup or operation that
might occur under every condition. For addi-
tional information, please consult Crown’s
Amplifier Application Guide (available online at
www.crownaudio.com), Crown Technical Sup-
port, your system installer or retailer.
We strongly recommend you read all instruc-
tions, warnings and cautions contained in this
manual. Also, for your protection, please send
in your warranty registration card today. And
save your bill of sale—it’s your official proof of
2 ohm Dual (per ch.)
1 kHz
8 ohm Bridge-Mono
4 ohm Bridge-Mono
8 ohm Dual (per ch.)
4 ohm Dual (per ch.)
*1 kHz Power: refers to maximum average power in watts
at 1 kHz with 0.1% THD.
**20 Hz–20 kHz Power: refers to maximum average power
in watts from 20 Hz to 20 kHz with 0.1% THD.
20 Hz–20 kHz