Crestron TPS-6X-BTP Battery Pack for TPS-6X
2. Remove the four screws that secure the front bezel to the
touchpanel and return the unit to its normal, face-up position. (Use
care and hold the bezel to the rest of the touchpanel. If the bezel
separates from the rest of the touchpanel while rotating the unit to
its normal position, the internal parts of the panel may spill out.)
3. Lift the front bezel from the touchpanel, then place the touchpanel
assembly face down on the work surface.
4. Carefully remove the rear of the enclosure from the touchpanel by
grasping the support frame at the left and right edges, gently
spreading them (as shown in the illustration below) and lifting the
assembly. It will snap out of the enclosure.
Removing Rear Enclosure from TPS-6X
Installation Guide – DOC. 6740A Battery Pack for TPS-6X: TPS-6X-BTP • 5