infiNET™ Switches Crestron CLW-SW1/4RF, -SWS1/4RF, -SLVS1RF
C2Net-Device Slot in Configuration Manager
Before adding an infiNET switch to a system, a C2N-MNETGW must first be added.
To incorporate a C2N-MNETGW into the system, drag the symbol from the
Wireless Receivers |Wireless Receivers (RF) folder of the Device Library and drop it
in the System Views. The PAC2 system tree displays the C2N-MNETGW in slot 6
with a default Net ID of 0F as shown in the following illustration.
C2Net Device, Slot 6
NOTE: The first C2N-MNETGW in a system is preset with a Net ID of 0F when its
symbol is dragged into the upper pane of System Views. Additional units are assigned
different Net ID numbers as they are added. For more information on the Net ID of a
C2N-MNETGW, refer to the latest revision of the C2N-MNETGW Operations
Guide (Doc. 6137), which is available from the Crestron website.
Setting the Net ID in Device Settings
Double-click the C2N-MNETGW icon to open the “Device Settings” window. This
window displays the gateway device information. If necessary, select the Net ID tab
to change the Net ID, as shown in the following figure.
“Device Settings” Window for the C2N-MNETGW
NOTE: SIMPL Windows automatically changes Net ID values of a device added to
a program if a duplicate device or a device with the same default Net ID already
24 • infiNET Switches: Crestron CLW-SW1/4RF, -SWS1/4RF, -SLVS1RF Operations Guide - DOC. 6397