CAUTION: Always disconnect spark plug wire and place',Where it cannot contact spark plug to prevent
accidental starting when setting up, transporting, adjusting or making repairs.
Read the operator'smanualcarefuUy.Become familiar
withthe controlsandknow howto operateyour air
• Do not allowchildrento use yourair blower.Never
allow adultsto use air blowerwithoutproper
• Keep the area ofoperationclear ofall persons,
especiallysmallchildrenand pets..
• Use air blower onlyas describedin this manual.
• Do notoperate air blower ifit hasbeen droppedor
damaged in any manner. Always have damage
repairedbeforeusingyourair blower.
• Do not use accessoryattachmentsthat are not
recommendedbythe manufacturer.Use ofsuch
attachmentsmay be hazardous.
• Alwayswear safetyglasses or eye shieldswhen
startingand while usingyour air blower.
• Dress properly.Do notoperate air blowerwhen
barefootor weadng open sandals. Wear onlysolid
shoeswith goodtraction.
• Wear long-sleevedclothesthat are snugfitting.
Avoidwearing loose clothing.
• Wear eithertightlycuffed orcufflesspants.
• Wear hearingprotectionevenwhen workingfor a
shortperiodoftime. Remember- hearingdamage
• Wear protective,non-slipglovesfor safer
• Check fuel.tank beforestartingengine. Do notfill
fueltank indoors,whenthe engine isrunningor
when the engine ishot. Allowthe engineto cool
for several minutesbeforefillingthe fueltank.
Clean off any spilledgasolinebeforestartingthe
• Always make adjustmentsbefore startingyour air
blower.Never attemptto do this whilethe engine
is running.
• Useonlyin daylightor goodartificial light.
• Keep youreyes andmind on your air blower and
thearea being blown.Don't letotherinterests
• Always be sureof yourfooting.Use extra caution
in wet orslipperyareas. WALK - DON'T RUN.
• Do not put hands or feet near rotatingpads. Keep
clear ofthe nozzleopeningat alltimes.
• Always stopthe enginewheneveryou leave orare
notusingyourair blower.
• Beforecleaning, inspecting,or repairingyourair
blower,stop the engine and make absolutelysure
all movingparts havestopped.Then disconnect
the sparkplug wire and keep itaway fromthe
spark plugto prevent accidentalstarting.
• Do not adjustcarburetor,Overspeeding,engine
damage or personalinjurymayresult.
• Do not operateyourair blower if itvibrates
abnormally.Excessivevibrationisan indication of
damage; stopthe engine, safelycheckfor the
causeof vibrationand repairas needed.
• Do not run the engine indoors.Exhaustfumes are
• Never operateyour air blower withoutproper
guards,tubes, or othersafetydevices in place.
WARNING: CaliforniaProposition65
The engineexhaust fromthis productcontains
chemicalsknown tothe State ofCaliforniato
cause cancer,birthdefects, orother reproductive
• Check the engine mountingboltsoftento be sure
theyare tightenedproperly.
• Check all bolts,nuts, and screwsatfrequent
intervalsfor propertightnessto be sureair blower
is insafe working condition.
• Keep all safety devicesin place and working.
• To reducefire hazard, keep theengine free of
debrisand excessivegrease and oil.
Allowengineto coolbefore storingin any
• Never storeair blowerwith fuel inthe tankinsidea .
buildingwhere fumes may reach an openflame or
an ignitionsourcesuchas hotwater heater,spacd
heater,clothesdryer, etc.
• Read and observethe Safety Rules.
• Followa regularschedulein maintaining,
caringand usingyourair blower.
• Followthe instructionsunderthe Maintenanceand
Storagesectionsof thismanual