
'_ WARNING: Alwayswsar safety gogglesorsafety
glasseswith aide shieldswhen operatingtools.Fail-
ureto do so could resultin objectsbeing throwninto
youreyes, resultingin possibleseriousinjury.
See Figure 11.
A levelis located on top of the motor housing to help keep
thedrill bit levelduringuse.
Check the directionof rotationselectorfor the correct
sathng (forward or raverae).
Secure the material to be drilledin a vise orwith
clampsto keep _t'{Tomturningasthe ddlt bit rc>_atas.
Hold the drillfirmlyand place the bit at the pointto be
Depressthe switch triggerto start the drill.
Move the drillbit intothe work,piece, applying only
enough_ress_e to keep the bit cuthng.Do not toms
the dritiorapphj sidepressure'coelongatea hole. Let
the tool do the work.
_lk WARNING: Be prepaxsd for binding a_bit break-
through.When thesesituationsoccur,drillhas a
tendencyto grab and kick oppositeto the direction
of rotationand couldcause loss ot control when
breakingthroughmaterial. )1'not prepared,this loss
of controlcan result inpossibleseriousin(ury:.
Whendrillinghard,smoothsurfaces,usea center
punchto mark the desired hole location. Thiswillpre-
vent the dn'ilbit from slippingoff-center as the hole is
When drillingmetals, use a light oil on the drill bit to
keep it from overheating.The oilwill prolong the life ot
the bitand increase _e driltingaction.
Ifthe bit )aresin the workpiecaor itthe ddllstalls,
stop the tool irnmed_tel'/. Remove the bit from the
workpiece and determinethe reasonfor jamming.
Thisdrillhas an elecb'Jobrake. When the switch trigger
isreleased, the chuckstops turning,Whenthe brake is
functioning properly,sparks willbe visiblethroughthe
ventslots on the housing.This is normaland is the action
ofthe brake.