,_ WARNING: Alwayswear safety goggles or
safety glasses withside shieldswhen operating
tools. Failuretodo socould resultin objects
beingthrownintoyoureyes, resultingin possible
serious injury.
_1= WARNING: Do notallow familiarity with your
screwdriverto make you careless. Remember
that acareless fraction of a second is sufficient
toinflictsevere injury.
This tool has been shipped in a low chargecondition
to prevent possibleproblems. Therefore, youshould
charge it at least3 hoursprior to use.
Note: Batleries will notreach full charge the firsttime
theyare charged. Allowseveral cycles (driving
screws followedby recharging)forthem to become
fully charged.
• Charge screwdriveronlywith the charger pro-
• Make sure power supply is normal house
voltage, 120 volts, 60 Hz, AC only.
Connect charger to screwdriverbyinserting
charger pluginto inputjack. As shown infigure 1,
inputjack is locatedon the top ofyour screw-
• Make sure chargerplug and inputjack are prop-
erty connected.
• Connect charger to power supply.
• The charge indicatorlight(LED) indicator,which is
located on the backof thescrewdriver,will lightup
when charger is properlyconnected topower
supply.This redlightindicatesyourscrewdriver is
chargingand willremain on untilcharger is
disconnectedfrom powersupply.
• After normalusage, a minimumof 3 hoursof
chargingtime is requiredto be fullycharged.
• Do not operate the toot while itis connectedto
the charger.The drivingabilitywill notincrease.
• Do not place chargerin an area ofextreme heat
or cold. It willwork best at normal roomtempera-
_ CAUTION: Yourscrewdrivercontains special
hightemperature batteriesto helpprevent battery
damage when left oncharge forextended periods
of time. However, once the batteries becomefully
charged, we recommendthat youunplugthe
charger from powersupplyand disconnectitfrom
the screwdriver.