
Machine Minimum C.F._,_.Required Minimum Duct Diameter
Band Saw (12 to 16qnch) 350 C,F,M, 4qnch
BeWDbc Sander 450 C,F,M, 5qnch
DrHUPress 350 - 400 C,RM, 4qnch
Drum Sander (12 to 24qnch) 550 - 700 C,RM, 5qnch
Fbor Sweep 350 - 400 C,RM, 4 to 5qnch
Jointer (up to 8qnch) 350 - 400 C,RM, 4 to 5qnch
Jointer (over 8qnch) 450 - 550 C,RM, 5qnch
RadiaUArm Saw 450 - 600 C,RM, 5qnch
Miter Saw 450 - 600 C,RM, 5qnch
Router TaMe 200 C,F,M, 3qnch
Scroll Saw 200 C,F,M, 3qnch
Spindb Sander 400 C,F,M, 4qnch
TaMe Saw (lOqnch) 350 C,F,M, 4qnch
Thickness Haner (10 to 15qnch) 400 C,F,M, 4qnch
Thickness Planer (16 to 20qnch) 600 - 800 C,RM, 5 to 6qnch
Using STEPS 1 thru 4 and the "Static Pressure Requirement Chart" you can determine the static pressure required
for your Dust Collector,
Step #1: Multiply the number of feet of Hose/Pipe times the appropriate inches rating,
Exampie; 40 feet of 4-inch diameter ribbed tubing x ,11 = 4.4 Total
Step #2: Multiply the fittings times the ratings and add them together,
Examp/e:Tw, o 90-degree Elbows (using 4qnch diameter Hose) = ,84 PLUS two 90-degree T-fittings = ,98
TotaJ = 1.82
Step #3:
Step #4:
Add 2.5 for the Machine Hook-up and "Dirty Bag" factors (1,5 for Hook-ups + 1,0 for Dirty Bag),
Total the above three calculations, This total should not exceed the maximum static
pressure for your Dust Collector,
Exaf_pie/4,4 (Total Step #1) x 1,82 (Total Step #2) + 2,5 (Total Step #3) = 8.72
For this example a Dust Collector with a Static Pressure rating of over 8.72 or higher is required.
See Product Specifications on page 2 for your dust collector maximum static pressure.
NOTE: To determine if you have met the Static Pressure Requirement when using a Dust Collection System, identify
the branch of the system with the highest static pressure requirement first, If you run your Dust Collection System with
more than one blast gate open, add the static pressure from all branches that are open to determine the total static
pressure requirements,
Static Pressure Requirement Chart
Size of Hose Hose/Pipe Ribbed Tubing 90-degree 90-degree 45-degree Machine "Dirty Bag"
Rigid Pipe (per foot) Elbow Elbow Tofitting Hook-Up Adjustment
(per foot}
3 .10 .15 .50 .60 .25 1.50 1.0
4 .07 .11 .42 .49 .21 1.50 1.0
5 .055 .08 .49 .55 .25 1.50 1.0