Chapter 6 - Basic Configuration Guide 22
Chapter 6 - Basic Configuration Guide
This chapter briefly discusses the major parameters that must be set in order to use the
IntraPort Enterprise-8 VPN Access Server.
Detailed information on the meaning of the server’s parameters is provided in the Compati-
View Management Software Reference Guide and the Text-Based Configuration and Command
Line Management Reference Guide. You should use this list as a starting point to look up more
specific information in the other documents.
There are a number of parameter settings which are optional, in the sense that they are not
required for all installations. These settings are not covered in this chapter.
In this chapter:
CV = CompatiView
TB = Text-Based Configuration
v Note: This Basic Configuration Guide does not include information on setting up packet
filters. See the CompatiView Management Software Reference Guide or Text-Based Config-
uration and Command Line Management Reference Guide regarding IP, IPX and AppleTalk
packet filters for more information.
Ethernet Interface Configuration
As shown in Figure 11: Detail of RIOP Cards, the IntraPort Enterprise-8’s RIOP cards have
specialized functions. The even-numbered slots (0, 2, 4 and 6) feature full IP, IPX and Apple-
Talk router ports, while the odd-numbered slots (1, 3, 5 and 7) feature IPSec-only interfaces.
These ports can only send and receive IPSec packets. All other traffic is dropped. Thus,
Ethernet 0:0, 2:0, 4:0, and 6:0 can be thought of as internal/private ports and Ethernet 1:0, 3:0,
5:0 and 7:0 can be thought of as external/public ports.
If you have physically installed your IntraPort Enterprise-8 using both types of ports, then you
should follow the IP Settings for Setups in Parallel with a Firewall.
If you have physically installed your IntraPort Enterprise-8 behind your firewall using the
Ethernet interfaces on slots 0, 2, 4, and 6 only, then you should follow the IP Settings for
Setups Behind a Firewall. Remember that you will also have to set up your firewall to allow
IPSec traffic through.
IP Protocol
IP Settings for Setups in Parallel with a Firewall
If setting up the IntraPort-8 in parallel with a firewall, you need to set some basic IP parame-
ters for each of the Ethernet interfaces.
• IP address (default =
• IP subnet mask (default =
• IP broadcast address (default =
• RIP 1, RIP 2 or OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) for Ethernet 0:0, 2:0, 4:0, and 6:0
• IPSec Gateway which is the equivalent of a default gateway for the IPSec interfaces
(Ethernet 1:0, 3:0, 5:0 and 7:0)
CV: Use the TCP/IP Routing: Ethernet Dialog Box to set the IP address, subnet mask, broad-
cast address and IP routing protocol for Ethernet 0:0, 2:0, 4:0 and 6:0. OSPF can only be
configured using text-based configuration.