
8.4.1 No Prompt for Client Hardware Address
The server requires a client’s hardware address in order to boot the client
over the network. The ris utility prompts you for the client’s address during
the registration process. If it does not, check the following:
If the RIS area is linked to a CD
Check that the CDROM that is the target of the links is mounted.
If the RIS area is serving a version of the operating system prior to
Version 3.0
Check that the mandatory update subsets are installed in the
server’s RIS area for the version of the operating system that is being
served. Install the mandatory update subsets from the
/ALPHA/UPDATE directory on the distribution CDROM. For example, if
the CDROM is installed on /mnt, install the mandatory update subsets
from the /mnt/ALPHA/UPDATE directory.
If the RIS area is serving Version 3.0
Check that the mandatory operating system subsets are installed into
the RIS area. Install the mandatory subsets from the /local_mnt
/ALPHA/BASE directory on the distribution CDROM. For example, if
the CDROM is installed on /mnt, install the mandatory update subsets
from the /mnt/ALPHA/BASE directory.
If the RIS area is serving Version 4.0 and later
Check that the OSFBASENNN subset is included in the RIS area and that
the client is registered for that RIS area.
8.4.2 Duplicate Client Hardware Addresses
RIS checks to ensure that no other client has the same hardware address.
This can happen if a client’s name has changed but has not been removed
from the server. If a duplicate hardware address is found, a message is
displayed like the one in the following example:
The hardware address provided, nn-nn-nn-nn-nn-nn, has already been
specified for another client, albany. Please check the hardware address
to ensure it is correct. If it is correct, then you will need to
deregister the client albany before continuing. If this client is not
currently registered, please contact your RIS system administrator.
If you see this message, follow the instructions provided and verify the new
hardware address that you entered.
If the hardware address you entered is not correct, reregister the new
client with the correct hardware address.
Troubleshooting RIS 8–3