CR Edit
This parameter determines if a carriage return will be followed by a line feed.
• Disable. The printer ignores all carriage returns that are not followed by
line feeds.
• Enable. The printer processes all carriage returns, even for those that are
not followed by line feeds.
Select Font
This parameter allows you to select a font for the IGP/PGL feature. The
default is 0, which is U.S. ASCII. The following values are valid choices:
2 Swedish
4 Norwegian
6 English
8 French
9 Spanish
10 Italian
11 Turkish
32 Code Page 437
33 Code Page 850
Values 12-23 are undefined and will default to 0. You can set values 24-31 to
specific fonts; refer to the USET command in the IGP/PGL Programmer’s
Reference Guide.
Select LPI
This is the number of lines to be printed per inch. For example, at 6 lpi there is
1/6 inch from the top of one print line to the top of the next print line.
Auto Uppercase
This parameter enables the printer to print text in all uppercase when using
the ALPHA command.
• Disable. The printer will print text in upper and lowercase.
• Enable. The printer will print text in uppercase only.