Command Sets
Function Command
Sixel Graphics Control Codes
Mnemonic Function Command Remarks
DECGRA Set Raster Attributes " (2/2) Defines the pixel aspect ratio.
Followed by parameters
Pn1 ; Pn2 ; Pn3 ; Pn4
Pn1 : Pixel aspect ratio numerator
Pn2 : Pixel aspect ratio denominator
Pn3 and Pn4 : ignored
DECGRI Graphics Repeat ! (2/1) Followed by a numeric value Pn and a
Introducer sixel data to be repeated Pn times.
DECGCR Graphics Carriage $ (2/4) Returns active position to graphics
Return left margin.
DECGNL Graphics Next Line (2/13) Returns active position to graphics
left margin and increments to next
graphics line.
DECGCI Graphics Color # (2/3) Assigns a color to a color number or
Introducer selects a predefined color number.
Followed by parameters
Pc ; Pu ; Px ; Py ; Pz
Pc : Color number (0 - 255)
Pu : Universal coordinate system
1 = HLS
2 = RGB
Px , Py , Pz : color coordinates
Parameter Characters 0 - 9 Numeric parameters - used on the
(3/0 - 3/9) above control codes
Parameter Separator ; (3/11) Separates parameters - used on the
above control codes
Sixel Data (3/15 - 7/14) Sixel printable characters.
The printer substracts the offset (3F
hexadecimal) from the received code,
assigning each of the remaining low-
order six bits to a grid position :
LSB = top pixel
MSB = bottom pixel
Examples :
? (3/15) : blank character
@ (4/0) : print only top pixel
A (4/1) : print second-from-top pixel
~ (7/14) : print one full column
selector :