6-18 AlphaServer GS80/160/320 User’s Guide
6.3.1 Booting Tru64 UNIX Over the Network
To boot the system over the network, make sure the system is
registered on a Remote Installation Services (RIS) server. See the
Tru64 UNIX document entitled Sharing Software on a Local Area
Network for registration information.
Example 6–4 RIS Boot
P00>>> show device ➊
dka0. DKA0 RZ2DD-LS 0306
dka100. DKA100 RZ2DD-LS 0306
dka200. DKA200 RZ1CB-CS 0844
dkb0. DKB0 RZ25 0900
dqa0. DQA0 TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-6302B 1012
dva0.0.0.1000.0 DVA0
eia0. EIA0 00-00-F8-09-90-FF
eib0.0.0.2002.1 EIB0 00-06-2B-00-25-5B
pka0. PKA0 SCSI Bus ID 7
pkb0. PKB0 SCSI Bus ID 7
P00>>> set eia0_protocols bootp
P00>>> set eia0_inet_init bootp ➌
P00>>> boot eia0 ➍