1-16 English
Part Number: 325703-002- Writer: Marianne Silvetti - Saved by: MSilvetti
Saved date: 03/15/99 4:03 PM
File Path: P:\Docs\Monitors\Aoki
Energy Saver Feature
The energy saver feature has four different modes of operation:
Full power
Programmable Sleep
By selecting settings in the computer's Energy Saver utility, you are
able to determine the length of the inactivity period before the monitor
goes into sleep or programmable sleep mode.
The following table describes the monitor energy saver levels
available during the different modes of operation.
Energy Saver Levels
Mode Power Usage Description
Full Power Less than
45 watts
ON = Normal operation
Power LED is green.
Suspend Less than
8 watts
Monitor screen is blanked. Backlights are
turned off. Power LED turns yellow. There
is a brief warm-up period before returning
to full power mode.
Sleep Less than
8 watts
Monitor screen is blanked. Backlights are
turned off. Power LED turns amber. There
is a brief warm-up period before returning
to full power mode.
Less than
8 watts
Monitor screen is blanked. Backlights are
turned off. Power LED blinks amber. There
is a brief warm-up period before returning
to full power mode.
Refer to your computer manual for instructions on setting energy saver
features (sometimes referred to as power management features).
The energy saver features for monitors only work when
connected to computers that have energy saver features.