Getting Started with DECTPU
2.3 Invoking DECTPU from a Batch Job
2.3 Invoking DECTPU from a Batch Job
If you want your edits to be made in batch rather than at the terminal, you can
use the DCL command SUBMIT to send your job to a batch queue.
For example, if you want to use the file GSR.TPU (shown in Example 2–4) to
make edits in batch mode to a file called MY_FILE.TXT, enter the following
$ SUBMIT invisible_tpu.COM/LOG=invisible_tpu.LOG/parameter=my_file.txt
This job is then entered in the default batch queue for your system. The results
are sent to the log file that the batch job creates.
In batch DECTPU, EXIT is the same as QUIT.
2.4 Using Journal Files
Journal files help you to recover your work when the system fails. This section
discusses the journaling methods you can use with DECTPU.
DECTPU offers two journaling methods:
• Keystroke journaling
• Buffer-change journaling
You can use both keystroke and buffer-change journaling at the same time (except
on DECwindows, where you can use only buffer-change journaling). To turn on
keystroke journaling, the application uses the JOURNAL_OPEN built-in.
The application layered on DECTPU, not the DECTPU engine, determines what
kind of journaling is turned on and under what conditions. Table 2–2 shows the
journaling behavior established by EVE.
Table 2–2 Journaling Behavior Established by EVE
OpenVMS Qualifier
Effect on
Journaling Effect on Buffer-Change Journaling
None specified Disabled Enabled.
/JOURNAL Disabled Enabled.
/JOURNAL = filename Enabled Enabled.
/NOJOURNAL Disabled Disabled. However, you can use SET
(JOURNALING) to enable buffer-change
Journal files contain a record of all information being edited. Therefore,
when editing files that contain secure or confidential data, be sure to keep
the journal files secure as well.
You must use the same major version of DECTPU to recover the journal
that you used to create it.
2–6 Getting Started with DECTPU