Table 4–1 (Cont.) Summary of Forced Nonblocking Procedures
Customer-Supplied Procedure Description
acmsdi_bind_receive_recs Services receive and transceive exchange steps,
which send data from the desktop client to the TP
Desktop Connector gateway.
acmsdi_bind_request_args Provides the client application with the request
name and identifies the set of workspaces in a
TDMS request exchange step.
acmsdi_bind_request_wksps Services a TDMS exchange step, which transfers
data between a desktop client and the TP Desktop
Connector gateway.
acmsdi_bind_send_args Provides the client application with the send record
identifier and identifies the records to be received in
a send exchange step.
acmsdi_bind_send_recs Services send and transceive exchange steps, which
send data from the TP Desktop Connector gateway
to the desktop client.
acmsdi_bind_session_id Sends the forms session identifier to the TP Desktop
gateway during an enable exchange step.
acmsdi_bind_transceive_args Provides the client application with the send and
receive record identifiers and identifies the records
to be passed in a transceive exchange step.
acmsdi_poll Returns the message type of a message from the
back end and a pointer to the call context from the
client application.
Defined in the ACMSDI.H and ACMSDI.BAS files, the
ACMSDI_FORM_RECORD type declares form records and shadow records
transferred. The code in Example 4–1 defines the ACMSDI_FORM_RECORD_
BIND type for the C language.
4–2 Forced Nonblocking Client Services