
3. The TP Desktop Connector library is preconfigured for DECnet network
access. To build applications that use TCP/IP as a transport, you must
reconfigure the library before creating executable programs.
The following steps are necessary to set up the TP Desktop Connector
library for TCP/IP access:
a. Remove the DECnet object from the library with the following
$ library/delete = net_decnet acmsdi$client_objlib.olb
Insert the TCP/IP transport access module into the library with the
following command:
$ library/insert acmsdi$client_objlib.olb net_tcpip.obj
After these steps, you are ready to build TP Desktop Connector applications
that use TCP/IP as a transport. Table A–1 shows the files that are added to
your desktop system during the installation of the TP Desktop Connector client
services for OpenVMS.
Follow the applicable steps in Sections 7.2.2 and 7.2.4.
7.2.2 Installing the Motif Sample Client for OpenVMS
To install the Motif sample files on the OpenVMS desktop system, perform the
following steps:
1. Create a directory on the desktop system to contain the sample files and
move to that directory:
$ create/dir [.motif_avertz]
$ set def [.motif_avertz]
2. Copy the Motif sample file.
For OpenVMS VAX systems:
$ copy cd:[vmsvax.samples]vms_avertz.exe []
For OpenVMS Alpha systems:
$ copy cd:[vmsalpha.samples]vms_avertz.exe []
3. Decompress the executable and restore the saveset:
7–4 Installing the TP Desktop Connector Client Services on Non-Windows Systems