Chapter 5 Configuring the Internal Ethernet Adapter for TCP/IP
Name of the interface script
Width of page in characters
Length of page in inches
Number of characters of indent from left margin
Login name of user originating print request
Name of host where the print job originates
File where accounting data is stored
Setting up an Interface Script
To set up your host with an interface file, add an entry to the /etc/
printcap file, then create and edit its associated files and directories.
The following is an example of the printcap entry, followed by the
necessary command for creation of the entries:
Where hp is the printer name sending jobs to the Internal Ethernet
Adapter named spike through the interface file npr.if. To create these
entries, do the following:
1. Create the printer’s spooling directory and associated files.
cd /usr/spool/lpd
mkdir spike
mkdir spike/prn
touch spike/com2/log spike/ps/acct
chown -R daemon.daemon spike
chmod -R g+rwX,o+rX spike
2. Copy the nprbsd.if file from the host software to the spool
directory. Copy the file as npr.if or name it as something more
cp nprbsd.if /usr/spool/lpd/spike/prn/npr.if
cd /usr/spool/lpd/spike/prn
chown daemon.daemon npr.if
chmod g+rwX,o+rX spike
3. Edit the npr.if variables to suit your system environment. Look for
the comment section beginning with “EDIT THESE VARIABLES”
and at the end of this comment block, you will find the following: