Control Code 06
Control Code 06 defines the function of ASCII code hex 06 (ACK). You
can select an alternate line spacing of 6, 8 or 10.3 LPI.
Control Code 08
Control Code 08 defines the function of ASCII code hex 08 (BS). You
can define the code to output an elongated character or a backspace.
Define CR Code
This option controls the action of the printer when it receives a Carriage
Return code (hex 0D) from the host computer. If this feature is enabled,
each time the printer receives a Carriage Return, it inserts an additional
Line Feed code (hex 0A) into the data stream. Do not use this feature if
the host computer sends Line Feeds to the printer.
• CR = CR. Does not insert an extra Line Feed after each Carriage
• CR = CR + LF. Inserts an extra Line Feed after each Carriage
Return. The next print position will be print position 1 of the next
Auto LF
This option defines the printer action when print data is received past
the forms width setting.
• Disable. Discards any data past the forms width.
• Enable. Performs an automatic carriage return and line feed when
data is received past the forms width.