
MSA Fabric Switch 6 Management Utility
3-20 Modular SAN Array Fabric Switch 6 User Guide
Writer: Kim L. Miller File Name: d-ch3 MSA Fabric Switch 6 Management Utility.doc
Codename: Millebourne Part Number: 230934-002 Last Saved On: 7/17/02 7:52 AM
Table 3-5: Port Events Window continued
Parameters Description
Severity The severity level of the event. The possible severity
parameters are: Unknown, Emergency, Alert, Critical
Error, Warning, Notify, Info, Debug, and Mark.
Type The type of the event. The possible event type
parameters are: Unknown, Other, Status,
Configuration, Topology.
Description The message generated by the event.
Port Control Tab
The Port Control window is accessed by clicking the Port Control tab of the Port
Information display. The Port Control window consists of two boxes, Port
Configuration and Port Reset that provide port status information and port
configuration for the port selected. The figure that follows is an example of the Port
Control display.
Figure 3-13: Port info/Port Control tab