If you would like to place an order for the following parts, please fill out the form below and return
it to the following:
Combi USA, Inc.
Attn: Consumer Affairs Department
or Fax this completed form to us at
1962 Highway 160 W, Suite 100
Fort Mill, SC 29708-8027
IMPORTANT: We must have this information to process your order:
Model Number: 7735 - ____ Color & Pattern of Fabric:______________________________________________________
Parts List
Price Quantity Total
1. Seat Cushion $ 35.00
Basket $ 20.00
3. Canopy $ 35.00
4. Kid's Tray $ 20.00
5. Shoulder Pads $ 10.00/set
6. Combi Centre Connectors $ 10.00
7. Rear Wheel Assemblies (Left And Right) $ 20.00/set
8. Front Wheel Assembly $ 20.00
Amount of Order
Shipping & Handling
Sales Tax (6%)
(SC residents only)
Combi IV 7735 Series
Instruction Manual
Ship To:
Consumer Name
Street Address
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Telephone Number
Charge to my credit card:
Card Number
Expiration Date __________ - ___________ -
Cardholder’s Signature
Check enclosed
Combi USA, Inc. • 1962 HWY 160 W, Suite 100 • Fort Mill, SC 29708 • www.combi-intl.com
Consumer Affairs 1-800-99-Combi
If you need to order other parts for your stroller, please call us toll-
free at 1-800-992-6624.
Combi USA reserves the right to change pricing at any time.
Shipping and Handling Fees: Add $8.00 for orders $34.99 and under. Add
$13.00 for orders $35.00 and over. Note: Additional shipping charges will
apply outside of the Continental U.S.
Combi USA reserves the right to change pricing at any time.