
SR260C_English_black_090402.doc SIZE: 140x75mm SCALE 2:1
[ DATA ], [ DEL ] Data Entry and Delete Key
In the STAT mode, enter data by pressing the desired numbers, then
[ DATA ]. If you enter incorrect data and do not notice your mistake
until you press [ DATA ], enter the same incorrect data and then press
[ DEL ] to delete that incorrect data.
x ] Arithmetic Mean Key
Calculates the arithmetic mean (
x ) of the data.
[ 2ndF ] [σ] Population Standard Deviation Key
Calculates the population standard deviation of the data.
[ S ] Sample Standard Deviation Key
Calculates the sample standard deviation of the data.
[ 2ndF ] [
] Sum of Square Value Key
Calculates the sum of the square value (
) of the data.
[ 2ndF ] [
Σx ] Sum of Value Key
Calculates the sum of the value (
Σx ) of the data.
[ n ] Number of Data Key
Displays the number of data (n) entries.
The Display
Indicators showed on the display to indicate you the current status of
the calculator.
Floating point displays up to 10 digits.
The mantissa section displays up to 8 digits. the exponent section
displays up to
STAT : Indicates the statistical mode.
M : Indicates that a value is stored in memory.
: Appears to the left of the mantissa or exponent to
indicate that the respective value is negative.
E : Indicates an error.
PGM : Indicates the program learn mode.
CONST : Indicates the constant mode.
GRAD : Indicates the gradient units have been selected.
RAD : Indicates that radian units have been selected.
DEG : indicates that degree units have been selected.
BUSY : While an operation is executing.
σ : Indicates the deviation value
2F : Appears when the second function has been
HYP : Appears when the hyperbolic function has been
( : Appears when you press [ ( ]. It shows the
present level of nesting.