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Troubleshooting section at end of manual.
SKU 91814 PAGE 13
Avoid damage to the Cutter by not leaving it on for more than the prescribed
duration of use. The Duration of Use (or Duty Cycle) defines the number of minutes, within a
10 minute period, during which a given cutter can safely produce a particular welding current.
For example, this Cutter with a 40% duration of use at 36 amps must be allowed to rest for at
least 6 minutes after every 4 minutes of continuous cutting at 36 amps. Failure to carefully
observe duration of use limitations can easily over stress a cutter’s power generation system
contributing to premature cutter failure. This cutter has an internal thermal protection system
to assist with preventing this sort of over stress. When the unit overheats, it automatically shuts
down, then automatically returns to service when it cools down. When it returns to service,
follow a more conservative duration of use routine to help prevent excess wear to the cutter.
10. ONLY AFTER EVERYTHING IS IN PLACE FOR CUTTING, press the power switch to
the on position. The Red Power Indicator lights, but the torch is not energized yet. Every
time the Plasma cutter is turned on air will flow out of the torch for about two seconds.
11. Orient yourself to one side of the area to be cut and hold the arc-shielded face shield
over your eyes. Hold the tip away from all objects and people and squeeze the trigger
until you hear air coming out of the end of the torch. Release the trigger.
12. Squeeze (and hold) the torch handle trigger to energize the torch handle tip. The pilot
arc will start. The air output is delayed to allow a proper arc to begin.
Warning: The Torch handle is now energized. Be careful not to touch anything else with
the Torch handle (53) tip except the workpiece to be cut.
13. Bring the tip close enough to the starting point of the cut to create an arc. The Green
Cutter indicator lights.
Warning: Never look at the ignited arc without ANSI-approved, arc-shaded, eye protec-
tion in a full face shield. Permanent eye damage or blindness can occur. Skin burns
can occur. Never breathe arc fumes.
Warning: Never look at the ignited arc without ANSI-approved, arc-shaded, eye protec-
tion in a full face shield. Permanent eye damage or blindness can occur. Skin burns
can occur. Never breathe arc fumes.