CTS Flash intr
oduction and lots of great photos:
Q: At what age may I take my child in a Chariot?
A: From about 1 month old, with the help of the optional Chariot Infant Sling or, from
about 3 months old with the optional Chariot Baby Supporter, both starting with walking,
and running can come later – depending on terrain, child development and your doctor’s
advice. You may use your Chariot from about 1 year, for cycling – with a properly fitted
helmet, available at your bike store.
Q: Until what age or weight of my child can I use a Chariot?
A: Until about 4 years old, or as long as their head or helmet does not pass the upper
frame, and as long as the weight limits of the Chariot are not exceeded: 75 lbs (or
100 lbs) for 1 (or 2) child Chariots. In sum, much longer than a regular stroller.
Q: What is Chariot’s helmet policy?
A: Chariot insists on helmet use while trailering, which starts at about 1 year of age.
Helmets are not needed, but recommended, while doing non-cycling activities,
assuming the child is old enough to wear a properly fitted helmet, which comes at
about 1 year of age. For example, newborns in the Infant Sling while walking do not
require helmets.
Q: Will I be able to get replacement parts for my Chariot in the future?
A: Yes. As your Chariot will likely outlast your family, you can pass it on and they’ll be
able to get parts and service. As the limited lifetime warranty is to the original owner,
we pride ourselves in stocking most conversion kits, parts, and even whole fabric
bodies and weather cover for all Chariot models made since 1993. Just inquire about,
and order these through your local Chariot retailer.
Q: Why is the CTS Ready Chassis concept only on the X-Country Series?
A: This is because the XC Series is a multi-use design that has 1 and 2 child versions.
In sum, runners may run, strollers can stroll, and cyclists may ride, etc, by only pur-
chasing kits and seating capacity for their exact needs. Please note the new Special
Edition Cougar SX includes 3 Conversion kits and only seats one, and the Classic
Bicycle Trailers include the CTS Cycling Kit and all seat two children.
Q: Why are there so many Chariot models?
A: Firstly, child transportation is our company focus. Then, as parents ourselves, we fully
understand the evolving and specific needs of different families. As managers of
household budgets, we know that every purchase needs to be carefully evaluated,
hence our standard and deluxe models. From our experience, only a variety of carriers,
conversion kits and accessories can meet the demands of today’s active families.
Think Focus
Chariot Carriers is one of the very few
companies worldwide that dedicates
itself exclusively to outdoor child trans-
portation. We are guided by principles
such as family togetherness, outdoor
activities, health and fitness, balanced
lifestyles, ultimate safety, and an ongo-
ing commitment to making your family
outings into unforgettable memories.
Think Community
Chariot is a skilled and experienced team
of approximately 100 proud, energetic
employees. At Chariot, progressive
human resource policies mean that
every Chariot is made in an openly
multi-cultural and multi-lingual environ-
ment whose common bond is making
the best and safest products, anywhere
in the world, for your family.
Think International
Chariot leads in many marketplaces
around the world, including countries
in North America and in Europe, where
parents have been choosing Chariot
over other brands for more than a
decade, citing quality, innovation atten-
tion to details and worldwide customer
care. Discover the Chariot difference.
When you purchase a Chariot Carrier, you’re buying
a product that has undergone years of internal and
field testing – and retesting. Just some of the tests
conducted on each Chariot model are: crash tests
with the floor, hitch durability, roll-overs, and long-
term durability on a very rough simulated road (see
In addition to complying with applicable safety
standards, Chariot products must pass our own
significantly more stringent internal standards. By
integrating product design, testing and production
under one roof, Chariot raises the bar in product
safety and excellence. And, independent interna-
tional test results with Chariot products have further
verified this quality.
Learn more about Chariot Carriers the company.See our website for many more.
American Society for Testing and Materials
All Chariot trailers meet or exceed
ASTM Standard F1975-02