The lightweight aluminum Catch’em is the perfect extension of
the Chariot family. Your children will learn the finer points for riding
while safely attached to your bike.
Like all Chariot products, the Catch ’em is a
breeze to attach to your bike. Once installed, the
quick release has it off in mere seconds for when
you’re on your own.
The Catch ’em folds up for
easy transport and storage.
Check out the website for more on the Catch’em.
• Forchildrenapproximately5–8yearsold,
depending on their size and strength
• Lightweight,durablealuminumframewith
no-tools folding mechanism
• Fast,easyno-toolsquick-connecthitchwith
included aluminum shims for various sized
seat posts (hex key required for
initial assembly)
• Lightweightandstrongaluminum
components: 20” rear black-anodized rim,
seat post and 140mm child-length cranks
• 6-speedShimanoSISshifterandderailleur
• Rearfenderandfrontsplashguardandchain
guard included
• CliptoholdCatch’eminfoldedposition
• Paddedhandlebarcrossbar
• Safetyagandreectors
• Eyeletstomountarearluggagerack
• Morestablerideforchildthanabikebar
extension (a device that links a child’s bicycle
to an adult’s)
• Shorterthanbikebarextensionssoturns
are easier
• LimitedLifetimeWarranty