
43. If possible, replace inducer wheel. Otherwise, replace inducer motor assembly. 8
44. Is there any frost build-up on combustion-air inlet? 45 46
The problem is caused by reversed vent and combustion-air pipes or some other moist air entering
combustion-air pipe.
—— 14
You have inadequate combustion-air supply. This may be caused by:
- Excessive restriction in combustion-air or vent pipe.
- Internal restriction in coupling box or secondary heat exchangers
—— 14
47. Replace pressure switch assembly. 70
48. Is unit a trophy unit? 50 49
49. Does fault occur before blower motor turns ON? 47 51
Replace pressure switch assembly with pressure switch assembly used in NON-trophy models or
replace furnace control board. If you replace furnace control board make sure replacement control
has a date code of 9837 or later. Only replace the pressure switch assembly or the furnace control
board NOT both.
—— 70
51. Replace furnace control board. —— 70
52. Turn power off and disconnect jumper wire across R and W/W1 thermostat terminals. 53
53. Turn power on and wait several sec before proceeding to next step. 54
54. Disconnect collector box tube to pressure switch assembly. 55
55. Jumper R and W/W1 thermostat terminals on furnace control board. 56
56. Does Fault Code 42 occur within 11 sec after a call for heat? 57 58
57. Reconnect collector box tube to pressure switch assembly. 10
58. Reconnect collector box tube to pressure switch assembly. 36
Go to page number indicated in Index for CLEANUP AND STARTUP INSTRUCTIONS. If problem
persists on an intermittent basis, contact your distributor.
60. Turn power off and disconnect jumper wire across R and W/W1 thermostat terminals. 61
Turn power on and wait several sec, then jumper R, W/W1, and W2 thermostat terminals on fur-
nace control board.
—— 62
Does fault occur a few sec after high-pressure switch HPS makes?
NOTE: Check for 24v between the N.O. (Normally Open) contact on high-pressure switch
HPS and Com on furnace control board to know when high-pressure switch HPS makes.
63 67
63. Turn power off and disconnect jumper wire across R, W/W1, and W2 thermostat terminals. 64
Connect 1 side of a slope manometer with a tee to collector box pressure tap. Connect other side
with a tee to gas valve air pressure fitting. Refer to pressure check diagram in Appendix C.
—— 65
Turn power on and wait several sec, then jumper R, W/W1, and W2 thermostat terminals on fur-
nace control board.
—— 66
Do you have more than 1.9 in. wc pressure drop across heat exchangers when high-pressure
switch HPS makes?
NOTE: Check for 24v between the N.O. (Normally Open) contact on high-pressure switch
HPS and Com on furnace control board to know when high-pressure switch HPS makes.
47 44
67. Does fault occur a few sec after main burners ignite? 63 68
68. Observe operation of furnace in high heat for next 8 minutes or until fault occurs. 69
69. Does the fault occur? 22 59
70. If problem still persists check for internal restriction in coupling box or secondary heat exchangers. 14
Fault Code 43
PRESSURE SWITCH CALIBRATION FAULT—Indicates low-pressure switch LPS and high-pressure switch
HPS "make" points during high-heat purge are not within calibration range. This is determined by reading
inducer motor RPM when low-pressure switch LPS and high-pressure switch HPS make. Then the following
comparison is made:
RPM (low)
RPM (high)
If this relationship is not within range specified, furnace control board starts flashing fault colde 43, shuts unit
down (inducer runs for 15 sec), waits 2 minutes, stops flashing fault code, and restarts heating cycle.
It can also indicate that the high-pressure switch HPS made before the low-pressure switch LPS during either
low-heat or high-heat purge.
Turn power off, remove blower access panel, and disconnect all thermostat leads from furnace con-
trol board.
—— 2
2. Turn power on and depress door switch. Use a piece of tape to hold switch closed. 3
3. Jumper R, W/W1, and W2 thermostat terminals on furnace control board. 4