Tips for Making Better Videos
For maximum stability, grip the camcorder in your right hand and keep
your right elbow pressed against your body.
If necessary support the camcorder with your left hand. With practice,
you will be able to operate the controls by touch, without taking your
eye off the action.
To prevent any unwanted movement, you can mount the camcorder on a
tripod, (or any flat surface at a suitable height) and operate it with the
wireless controller.
• When you are using a tripod, be careful not to leave the viewfinder
exposed to bright sunlight as it may melt. (The light is concentrated by
the viewfinder lens.) Change the angle of the viewfinder so that the
sun does not shine into it.
• Make sure that the fastening screw of the tripod is no longer than 5.5
mm (1/4 inch), as it will damage the camcorder.
For greater creative control over audio recording, you
can connect an external microphone to the camcorder
via the MIC terminal. When using the MIC terminal,
use a microphone with a built-in power supply
(condenser microphone). It is possible to connect
almost any stereo microphone with a plug diameter of
1/8 inch (3.5 mm), however, their audio levels will be
different from that of the built-in microphone.
Holding the Camcorder
Using a Tripod
Sound Recording