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Uninstalling Canon XF Plugin 64 for Avid Media Access and Canon XF MPEG2 Decoder
1 In the Control Panel, open Programs and Features or Add or Remove Programs.
• A list of installed programs appears.
2 Select the plugin/decoder you wish to uninstall.
3Click Uninstall or Uninstall/Change and follow the instructions to uninstall the plugin/decoder.
Uninstalling the Canon XF Plugin 64 for Avid Media Access Instructions
1From the Start menu, open All Programs > Canon Utilities > Canon XF Plugin 64 for Avid Media Access
> Uninstall Canon XF Plugin 64 for Avid Media Access Instruction Manual.
2 When the confirmation screen appears, click Yes and then click OK.
Installing Canon XF Utility (Mac OS)
1 Double-click the file that you downloaded from the Canon Web site to decompress it.
• The downloaded file is xum*****.dmg.gz for Canon XF Utility, xpmm*****.dmg.gz for Canon XF Plugin for
Avid Media Access, or xpfm*****.dmg.gz for Canon XF Plugin for Final Cut Pro/Final Cut Pro X. The rest of
the explanation refers only to Canon XF Utility but the procedure is similar for the Canon XF plugins.
•The file xum*****.dmg will be created.
2 Double-click xum*****.dmg.
•The xum*** icon will appear on the desktop.
3 Double-click xum*** and then double-click XUMInstaller.
4 Follow the onscreen instructions to select your area (continent), country/region and/or language, as necessary.
• Available options will vary depending on your country/region.
5 After the message appears prompting you to exit other applications, exit other applications and then click OK.
• The software’s license agreement appears.
6 Read the license agreement and click Yes to begin the installation.
• If you do not select Yes, you cannot install the software.
• When the installation has completed, Installation has completed successfully appears.
7Click Next and then click Finish.
Uninstalling the Software (Mac OS)
Drag and drop to Trash the file or folder corresponding to the item you wish to uninstall.
Software/Plugin/Manual File/Folder
Canon XF Utility /Applications/Canon Utilities/Canon XF Utility
Canon XF Plugin for Final Cut Pro /Library/Application Support/ProApps/MIO/RAD/Plugins/CanonXF.RADPlug
Canon XF Plugin for Final Cut Pro X /Library/Application Support/ProApps/MIO/RADPlugins/CanonXF64.RADPlug
Canon XF Plugin 64 for Avid Media Access /Library/Application Support/ProApps/Avid/AVX2_Plug-ins/AMA/MVP_CanonXF64.avx
Canon XF MPEG2 Decoder /Library/QuickTime/XFMpeg2Dec.component
Canon XF Plugin Instructions /Applications/Canon Utilities/
Desired plugin name