Messages List
Error Number: Error Description
Error Number: Error Description
HT401: Account restriction
HT403: IP address restriction
HT502: Bad Gateway 502
HT503: Service unavailable 503
HT504: Gateway Timeout 504
WV407: Recording-mode streams
WV408: Conflict of recording-mode
The user authentication or password for connecting
to the camera server is incorrect. Check to ensure
that it is not an on/off event.
Cannot connect due to the IP address restriction on
the camera server side.
The proxy server returns an HTTP 502 error (which
occurs when the proxy server receives an error from
the upper proxy).
The proxy server returned an HTTP 503 error (which
occurs when the proxy server failed to connect to
the camera server).
The proxy server returned an HTTP 504 error (which
occurs when the proxy server could not receive a
reply from the upper proxy).
The following settings were configured for the
stream for recording.
a) JPEG recording at over 10fps
b) MEPG-4 recording
c) Image upload function is activated on VB-C60
While connecting using the stream for recording,
another request for the recording stream was