
Install the following software to perform initial settings for the camera.
VB Initial Setting Tool: Software required for performing initial camera settings
Admin Tools Certificate: An electronic certificate that is required for using Admin Viewer and Admin Tools
Camera Angle Setting Tool: Software to use for camera angle adjustments when installing the camera
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1: The execution environment required for network camera software (not required if already
installed on the PC)
You can perform either an Easy Installation or a Custom Installation of the software.
All computer users will be able to use Admin Viewer and Admin Tool if the Admin Tool certificate was installed by the installer.
Select [Custom Installation] and install only the “Admin Tools Certificate” if you intend to use the Admin Viewer and Admin Tools on a PC
other than the one where the VB Initial Setting Tool is installed.
If you install the software with Easy Installation, the Camera Angle Setting Tool that is not used with VB-H41 is also installed. If you do not
want to install the Camera Angle Setting Tool because you are using only VB-H41 cameras, perform a [Custom Installation] and clear the
checkbox for the Camera Angle Setting Tool.
The installation screen appears.
[Easy Installation]: VB Initial Setting Tool, Admin Tools
certificate and Camera Angle Setting Tool are
[Custom Installation]: The user can select and install
desired software.
The User License Agreement screen appears.
Installation starts.
Installing the Necessary Software
Insert the Setup CD-ROM included in the camera in
the disc drive on the PC.
After confirming that all other applications have been
closed, click the [Start] menu > [My Computer].
Double-click the CD-ROM icon > [APPLICATIONS]
folder > [VBToolsInstall.exe].
Select the installation method.
After selecting [Easy Installation], click [Next] and after
selecting [Custom Installation], select the checkboxes
of the software you want to install and click [Next].
Read through the user license agreement and click
[Yes] if you accept it.