Using the Viewer for Java to Distribute Videos
When a startup screen is specified in the “open_image” parameter, this
parameter specifies the display time. The time is specified in milliseconds
(1/1000 sec.), and the default value is 0. The image is displayed until the first
video frame appears. Values from 0 to 30000 (30 seconds) can be specified.
Specifies the color of the character string specified for “comment” and
“hostname”. The color is specified at “#RRGGBB”. The default is yellow.
This function specifies whether the Snapshot button is displayed. Specify “on”
or “off”. The default value is “on”. The button is always displayed unless “off” is
explicitly specified.
This function displays the comment as an overlay on the video image. Specify
“on” or “off”. The default value is “off”.
This function displays the frame count as an overlay on the video image.
Specify “on” or “off”. The default value is “off”.
This function displays the frame rate as an overlay on the video image. Specify
“on” or “off”. The default value is “off”.
This function displays the host name as an overlay on the video image. Specify
“on” or “off”. The default value is “off”. Note that this parameter is only valid if
the “hostname” parameter is specified.
Specifies whether or not the WebView Livescope logo should appear in the upper
right of the screen. It appears if show_logo is “on” and does not appear if it is “off”.
Function for displaying the buttons to change the image size when LiveApplet
is running. Specify “on” or “off”. The default value is “off”.
Specify whether or not to display the panorama window pop-up button.
This function displays a bitmap image as an overlay on the video image.
Specify the image using the “bitmap-filename,x,y” format. Use the GIF format
for bitmap images (transparent GIFs supported). The “x,y” parameters specify
the coordinates of the bitmap image position on the video frame. If “x,y” is
omitted, the image is displayed in the center of the video frame.
Specifies the character string that is displayed when connection to the camera
server fails because the limit on the number of connections was exceeded. The
default is “too many clients”.
Specify the URL of the HTTP server for applet access. Specify the IP address
and port number that match those specified in the codebase attribute.
This parameter specifies the video image display size (in pixels). Specify the
width. The display sizes are 80 to 640, and any value can be set as the width.
The height is calculated as 3/4 of the specified width. Eg. video_width=“240”
(height = 240 × 3/4 = 180.)
Specifies the display position of the picture file specified at bg_image. With the
upper left coordinates of the picture at “0,0” and the right direction given as x and
the down direction as y, image_offset is specified as “x,y”. The default is “335,0”.
Specifies the character string to be displayed following applet startup when
auto_connect is “off”. The default is “no connection”.
You can use this parameter to specify the screen that appears in the video
display window until the first video image appears. Specify the name of a JPEG
or GIF file. If this parameter is omitted, the default startup screen is displayed.
Parameter Name
Specifies whether the panorama window should be pop-up displayed or
embedded in the page. Specify “embed” for making it an embedded display.
When specifying “embed”, the Width and Height of the applet tags must be
specified a little larger (Eg. width=500; height=660).
This parameter specifies the host name displayed in the applet. This value is
used as the host name in messages displayed during connection, etc. If this
parameter is omitted, no host name is displayed.