Registering Tasks
Adding a Task
Add a new task for downloading images.
To Add a New Task...
1. To add a task, choose “New Task” from the
“Task” menu bar.
Using VBCollector
2. Enter each item in the various items and click
the “OK” button.
q Task Name
Assign a name to the task.
“Enable this setting”
Select “Enable this setting” if the task is to be
performed according to the schedule. If not
selected, the added task will not be executed.
w Server Name
Select the server from which the VBCollector
downloads recorded pictures. If there are no servers
registered in the list, you can register servers by
selecting a blank column and clicking the “Server
Settings” button.
“Server Settings”
Any download server name can be registered (→ P.6-10). After registration, it can be selected
from the “Server Name” column.
e Schedule
“Start Date”
Set the date which is to be the starting point of the schedule. The task will be executed after
the specified start date according to the criteria specified below.
“Start Time”
Set the time when the task is to start up (in 24-hour format).
Select if the task is to be executed only once. The task will be executed only once at the
start time on the start date.
Select if the task is to be executed once every certain number of days. This number of days
can be specified between 1 and 31.