Displaying Motion Detection Status of the Server
The Motion Detection Setting Tool is a PC-based simulation of the motion detection module on
the VB150. Depending on the processing capacity of the PC and the network status between the
PC and VB150, there may be a divergence between the PC and the actual processing on the
VB150. As a result, the motion detection module on the VB150 is enabled and the detection
statuses are displayed using icons.
● The motion detection status of the server display may not match the
“Motion detected (peak display)” in this tool.
● Set up the Motion Detection Function again if you have controlled the
camera from the Admin Viewer’s “Camera-specific features” dialog box
(effective when using the VC-C50i/VC-C50iR/NU-700) after setting up the
Motion Detection Function.
● When “Display motion detection status of the server” option is selected,
external device and log output, and picture recording are not performed.
● When the VB150 Motion Detection Function is enabled, the processing load
on the VB150 is high. Consequently, the video distribution frame rate may
be slower than when the function is disabled. Also, because the video
distribution frame rate may be further slowed when the data is sent via a
proxy, the use of proxies is not recommended.
● Because the Motion Detection Function detects motion by comparing
consecutive image frames, small movements are less likely to be detected
when the video quality is poor.
● The motion detection settings should be adjusted and set in conditions that
are as close as possible to those for actual operation.
● For detailed information on specifying the settings, see P.5 in the dPicture
Recording User’s Guide.
If you select the “Display motion detection status of
the server” checkbox, the icons shown below are
used to show the status of motion detection.
[Detection disabled]
[Not detected]