To select an image, click the thumbnail or checkbox.
Due to limitations of photo sharing sites, if the search results exceed 4,000 images, the same
images as those displayed in the page containing the 4,001st image will be displayed in all the
subsequent pages.
For example, when Number of Results per Page is set to 20, the images displayed in page 201 are
the same as those displayed in page 202 and subsequent pages.
Point to a thumbnail to display its title, license type and other information.
Right-click a thumbnail and select Open web page of work from the displayed menu to start a
browser and display the page of a photo sharing site on which the image is posted.
(4) Selections Area
Thumbnails of the images selected in the Thumbnail window are displayed, along with the number of
images (number of selected images/number of search results).
(Cancel all image selections)
Cancels all image selections in the Selections area.
(Cancel image selection)
Cancels the selection of images selected in the Selections area.
See "Downloading Images from Photo Sharing Sites " for details on how to download images from
photo sharing sites.
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Page 250 of 941 pagesImport Photos from Photo Sharing Sites Window