Appendix: Menu Options Lists
■ [2 Main Functions] Menu
Setting options/Function
[¦ Video Snapshot] (A 101)
[ON], [OFF]
[— Audio Scene] (A 115)
[‘ Standard], [’ Music], [‚ Speech], [“ Forest and Birds],
[” Noise Suppression]
[Ò Decoration] (A 93)
[Ó Pens and Stamps], [× Animated Stamps], [& Date/Time] or
[9] (Baby mode stamps), [Ü] (image mix), [Ý] (pause live
video), [ß] (minimize toolbar)
[ Slow & Fast Motion] (A 90)
[Off], [x1/2], [x2], [x4], [x10], [x20],[x60], [x120], [x1200]
[w] (recording time): [1 Frame], [0.5 sec]
[R Faders] (A 105)
[j Off], [T Fade Trigger], [V Wipe]
[Black Screen], [White Screen]
[Zoom Type] (A 228)
[Optical], [ Advanced], [ Digital] (? only:
[ Digital])
[W] (tele macro): Toggle on or off
(recording mode only)