12 Introduction
About this Manual
Thank you for purchasing the Canon LEGRIA HF M31 / LEGRIA
HF M300. Please read this manual carefully before you use the cam-
corder and retain it for future reference. Should your camcorder fail to
operate correctly, refer to Troubleshooting (0 163).
Conventions Used in this Manual
• IMPORTANT: Precautions related to the camcorder’s operation.
• NOTES: Additional topics that complement the basic operating
• POINTS TO CHECK: Restrictions or requirements regarding the
function described.
• 0: Reference page number within this manual.
• a : Text that applies only to the model shown in the icon.
• The following terms are used in this manual:
When not specified as “memory card” or “built-in memory”, the term
“memory” by itself refers to both.
“Scene” refers to one movie unit from the point you press the
g button to start recording until you press again to pause
the recording.
• The photos included in this manual are simulated pictures taken with
a still camera. Unless indicated otherwise, illustrations and menu
icons refer to the a.
To complete some operations you will need to refer also to other
instruction manuals. This will be indicated with the following icons:
r Refer to the ‘Photo Applications’ Instruction Manual,
included as a PDF file in the supplied Camcorder Supple-
mental Disc.
s Refer to the instruction manual of the optional DW-100 DVD