106 Video
• If the recording program is changed during exposure lock, the cam-
corder will return to automatic exposure.
• When shooting subjects with a strong light source behind them, the
camcorder automatically corrects for the backlight*. You can turn off the
automatic backlight correction with the p > [Auto Backlight Cor-
rection] setting. Note that the automatic backlight correction is not avail-
able in the following cases.
- In mode, when using a cinema-look filter other than [Cinema
- When using the [ü SCN: Night Scene], [ý SCN: Snow], [þ SCN:
Beach], [ÿ SCN: Sunset] or [œ SCN: Spotlight] recording program.
* Except in mode when using a cinema-look filter other than [Cinema Stan-
Automatic Gain Control (AGC) Limit
When recording in dark surroundings, the camcorder will automatically
increase the gain to try to get a brighter picture. However, using higher
gain values may result in more noticeable video noise. You can select
the AGC limit to curb the amount of noise by setting the maximum gain
value to be used. The smaller the AGC limit, the picture will be darker
but will have less the noise.
Operating modes:
*Touch [m] (automatic) to remove the limit for the automatic gain control.
**You can also drag your finger along the dial.
• The selected AGC limit will appear on the screen.
[FUNC.] > [x AGC Limit] > [n]* (manual) >
[Ï] or [Ð]** to set the AGC limit > [X]