could in some cases have a negative affect if it is applied in large amounts to form a build-up
that could trap any debris or foreign matter.
5. Be careful not to get greasy fingerprints or dirt on the lens port. This will affect the image
quality. Wipe any dirt or grease off with fresh water and a soft cloth.
6. Do not drop the housing on hard surfaces, since it could crack and affect its watertight seal
7. Travel with the housing protected in a padded case. It is best to remove the camera from
inside the housing when traveling and provide it with its own protective case, or compartment.
8. Never dive with the Fantasea FA-480 housing to a depth greater than 200 ft/60 meters.
9. It is recommended that you select the shortest time option on the menu, for placing the camera
into standby during periods of inactivity. This will conserve battery power and reduce the heat
given off by the LCD screen, which can contribute to condensation inside the housing and
10. You should take the first dive without the camera inside the housing. You should check that
the water tight seal has not been affected during transport and long periods of storage.
11. It is likewise recommended to visually monitor the housing during every descent, especially
for the first 10 meters/33 ft. If water is observed entering the housing or bubbles escaping
from it, the housing should be rotated to a port down position and held that way as you return
to the surface immediately and get it out of the water.
12. It is recommended to have all Fantasea housings serviced once a year at an authorized Service
Center. This includes visual inspection and possible changing of all seals, gaskets and O-rings.
Please contact Fantasea by email at info@fantasea.com
, or visit the Fantasea web site
for more information.
Included with your Fantasea camera housing is one (1) year protection for flood damage for your camera, up
to a maximum limit of US $1,000, based on the current price of replacement in USA. This protection will
protect you for the repair or replacement of the camera in the event of accidental flooding. This Flood
Protection is additional protection, over the standard warranty, available with the Fantasea housing. This
protection is available for one (1) year from your date-of-purchase, providing that you register your purchase