
6. Battery Case
The Battery Case holds an external power source and is used for
the Servo EE Finder and Booster T Finder. This versatile bat-
tery case can use the Battery Magazine 15V containing 10 pen-
light batteries or Battery Magazine 12V containing 8 penlight
7. Angle Finders A2, B
The Angle Finder B is a right angle attachment that presents an
exact reading of the entire field of view. It is very convenient for
copy work, close-up photography and shooting a subject from a
low angle. The Angle Finder A2 is a simplified version of the
Angle Finder B which shows an erect, but reversed image.
8. Focusing Screens
Nine types of focusing screens are available: Focusing Screen A
(microprism type), B (split-image type), C (all-matte type), D
(matte/section type) E (split-image/microprism), F (micro-
prism/large aperture lenses), G (microprism/small aperture
lense), H (matte/scale) and I (double cross-hair reticule). Usually,
the F-1 is sold with Focusing Screen E.
9. Dioptric Adjustment Lenses
Four kinds of interchangeable dioptric adjustment lenses for
nearsightedness and six kinds for farsightedness are available:
R-0.5, R-2, R-3 and R-4 for nearsightedness; R 0, R+0.5,
R+1, R+1.5, R+2 and R+3 for farsightedness. The F-1 comes
equipped with the standard lensless R-1 ring.
10. Magnifier R
The Magnifier R is used for magnifying the focusing screen so
that an accurate focus can be obtained. It can be attached to the
eyepiece of the Eye-level Finder, Booster T Finder or Servo EE
11. Eyecup R
The Eyecup R is an eyepiece hood for shielding out light. This is
attached on the dioptric adjustment ring.
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