Canon MultiPASS C50 Getting Started ENGLISH
Setting Up Speed Dial Assignments (8-15)
On the Speed Dial tab, you can set up fax numbers for speed dialling with the
C50. You use the fax recipients set up in your Address Book, and assign the
desired individual recipients to speed dial codes. If the recipient has not yet been
set up in the Address Book, you can add the recipient while creating speed dial
assignments. You can also set up a group speed dial, by assigning two or more
individual speed dial assignments to a single speed dial assignment.
Assigning an Individual Recipient to a Speed Dial Code
1. In the Address Book list box, select the recipient that you want to assign to a
speed dial code.
2. Select the speed dial code to which you want to assign the Address Book, and
click Add.
To add a recipient to the Address Book:
1. Click New.
2. In the New Individual Entry dialog box, complete the appropriate
information for the recipient and then click Add. For detailed instructions on
completing the New Individual entry dialog box, refer to Chapter 5, ”PC
Defining a Group Speed Dial Code
This section provides instructions for assigning two or more recipients to a speed
dial code.
1. On the Speed Dial tab, make sure the desired recipients for your group are
set up as individual speed dial assignments.
2. Select the speed dial code to which you want to assign the group of recipients,
and click Group Dial.
3. In the Group Dial list box, in the Group Name box, enter a name for the
group assignment.
4. In the Speed Dial list box, select the first recipient and click Add. Repeat this
procedure until the desired recipients are included in the Members list box.
5. To remove a member from the group, select the member in the Members list
box and click Remove.
6. When all the desired members are listed in the Members list box, click OK to
save your group.
The numbers in parentheses indicate the pages in the MultiPASS Desktop Manager for Windows User’s Guide on
which you can find detailed information.