Erasing Shadows/Lines
Use [▼], [▲] or (Scroll Wheel) to select
the original size, then press [OK].
To switch to the A/B Sizes, press the left Any key
to select <A/B Sizes>.
Enter the each erase width value:
■ If you want to specify the erase width
value for center:
① Use [▼], [▲] or
(Scroll Wheel) to select
<Center>, then press [OK].
To enter values in millimeters, press the left Any
key to select <Enter mm>.
② Use [▼], [▲] or (Scroll Wheel) to enter a
frame erase width value, then press [OK].
The default setting is <3/8" (10 mm)>. The
maximum original frame erase width that you
can set is <1 15/16" (50 mm)>.
When entering the value in millimeters, you
can also use [▼], [▲], (Scroll Wheel), or
– (numeric keys).
If you want to change the value, press
(Clear) before entering the new value.
If you enter a value outside the setting range, a
message prompting you to enter an
appropriate value appears on the screen.
■ If you want to specify the erase width
value for all sides:
Use [▼], [▲] or
(Scroll Wheel) to select
<All Sides>, then press [OK].