On-Screen Manual
Scanning Guide
Updating the Scanner Driver > Installing ScanGear (Scanner Driver)
Installing ScanGear (Scanner Driver)
ccess our website via the Internet to download the latest ScanGear (scanner driver).
Follow these steps to install the downloaded ScanGear.
If the machine is connected to the computer, disconnect the USB cable.
Double-click the icon of the downloaded file.
The installation program starts.
In Windows Vista, a confirmation or warning dialog box may appear while installing,
uninstalling or starting software.
Such dialog box appears when administrative rights are required to perform a task.
If you are logged on to an administrator account, click Continue or Allow to continue.
Some applications require administrator account to continue. If you are logged on to a
standard account, switch to an administrator account and start over.
In the Welcome screen, click Next.
Read and understand the License Agreement, then click Yes.
ScanGear installation starts.
When the Installation complete screen appears, click Exit.
message prompting you to restart the computer may appear depending on your environment.
Restart the computer to complete the installation properly.
Connect the machine and computer with the supplied USB cable.
The computer recognizes the machine.
ScanGear is installed.
ScanGear can be downloaded for free. However, Internet connection fees apply.
Related Topic
Before Installing ScanGear (Scanner Driver)
Obtaining the Latest ScanGear (Scanner Driver)
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