4-96 Configuring SmartTrunking
To set the Novell Translation method globally for all bridge interfaces on a device
in the Bridge ConÞguration window or for an individual interface in the Port
ConÞguration window:
1. Click on the empty radio button adjacent to one of the three choices in the
Novell Translation field, Enable LLC, Enable DLC, or Disable. When the
radio button is filled ( ), the selected choice will be enabled.
2. Click on Set to apply the change, or click on Cancel to exit the window without
applying the change.
To set the Ring Speed globally for all bridge interfaces on a device in the Bridge
ConÞguration window or for an individual interface in the Port ConÞguration
1. Click on the empty radio button adjacent to one of the two choices in the Ring
Speed field, 4 Mb/s or 16 Mb/s. When the radio button is filled ( ), the
selected choice will be enabled.
2. Click on Set to apply the change, or click on Cancel to exit the window without
applying the change.
To select the Bridge Mode/Explorer Type globally for all bridge interfaces on a
device in the Bridge ConÞguration window or for an individual interface in the
Port ConÞguration window:
1. Click in the Bridge Mode/Explorer Type pull-down list box. Pull down with the
left mouse button to select one of the available choices: Source Route
Transparent/Transparent, Source Route Transparent/ARE, Source Route
Transparent/STE, Source Route/ARE, Source Route/STE, and
Transparent/Transparent. (The default selection is
2. Click on Set to apply the change, or click on Cancel to exit the window without
applying the change.
Configuring SmartTrunking
The SmartTrunk menu option invokes the SmartTrunk ConÞguration and Status
window, which allows you to group interfaces logically to achieve greater
bandwidth between devices (both devices must support the SmartTrunk feature).
There is no limit to the number of ports that can be included in a single Òtrunk.Ó
SmartTrunking is designed to work in the traditional bridging mode only, and is not
available if a switch is in the Securefast VLAN mode. The Securefast VLAN architecture
supports a fully-meshed topology, which has beneÞts similar to SmartTrunking.