The Power button (Power icon) turns the unit on or off.
• Press and hold the power button for 2 seconds to turn the unit ON
• Press and hold the power button for 2 seconds to turn the unit OFF
The “+” and “-” buttons adjust the digital zoom power, with a range of 1.0x to 3.0x.
The displayed numbers represent a multiplication factor over the fixed optical magnification of the unit (4.5x or 6x,
depending on model).
Maximum effective magnification = 3.0 x 4.5 (13.5x) for the 4.5x40 model, and 3.0 x 6.0 (18x) for the 6x50 model.
• Pressing and releasing the “+” button will gradually “zoom in” to the subject in view, by 0.1x increments
• Pressing and holding the “+” button will rapidly zoom in, until the maximum 3.0x magnification factor is reached
• Pressing and releasing the “-” button will gradually “zoom out” from the subject in view, by 0.1x increments
• Pressing and holding the “-” button will rapidly zoom out, until the digital zoom returns to the starting point of 1.0x (no digital
zoom applied, view represents the original 4.5x or 6x optical magnification)
The “IR” button turns on/off the Infrared LED illumination (D) for low light operation, and is also used to reduce its brightness
if necessary.
• Press and release the “IR” button to turn on the infrared LED light (D) when ambient light levels are too low to provide good
viewing quality. The IR illumination will be at “100%” level when first turned on, and the display will indicate “IR3”(6x model) or
“IR2”(4.5x model). The 6x50 model has 3 IR brightness settings, the 4.5x40 model has 2 IR brightness settings.
• Press the “IR” button a second time to reduce the IR LED brightness level when viewing subjects at close range to avoid glare
or “washout” of the image. The display will indicate “IR2”(6x model) or “IR1”(4.5x model). Press “IR” again if necessary on the 6x
model, to reduce the IR LED brightness to its lowest setting, indicated by “IR1” in the display.